Tuesday, July 22, 2008

the stand

my favorite worship song is "the stand" by hillsong, you've probably heard it, its not that new but the lyrics are absolutely amazing and if your really listening God will speak to you hopefully as he's spoken to me so heres what he's shown me, im taking a stand today, just thought i'd share with you what im standing for and what im not. (i've enclosed the lyrics below & if you check out my myspace page than you'll be able to listen to the song also), everyday you see someone protesting, striking, or "taking a stand" for something whether it's that their for the war or not, bad work environments, not enough money on their check at the end of the month, something bush did, something bush didn't do, who they want as president, who they don't want as president, global warming, freedom in darfur, and not all those things are bad but how many times have we taken a stand, i mean these people are outside marching, yelling, protesting, "taking a stand" for something that they believe in that their not wavering in regardless of what anyone thinks, i've seen some people day and night protesting in some bad weather with people sometimes honking in favor and sometimes not honking but showing in other ways what they feel of them protesting but either way their there regardless of whos standing with them i've seen one person out there waving a sign all by himself than i've seen a bunch of people but again either way they aren't wavering. why should it be any different for us as christians? there is a lot that we as Christians should take a stand for regardless if our friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, and even church friends are standing with us, God told us to come out from them and be seperate (from the world i mean, not your family! =) ), the world is taking a stand nows our turn people. why wait till your a grown adult with two kids, a spouse, a mortgage, and a job you can't stand to decide, "hey you know what i think God wanted me to take a stand when i was younger, but im havin the darnest time remembering what it was???". take a stand now. God is waiting for you but if your not gonna take a stand he'll find someone that will, i decided today to take a stand im giving him my heart my soul my complete self to do what He wills, and whatever it is im taking a stand for it and to complete it till i get to heaven and hear well done good and faithful servant....take a stand!

The Dictionary's description of the word stand is this:
stand |stand| - noun
1 - an attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken in an argument : the party's tough stand on welfare | his traditionalist stand.
• a determined effort to resist or fight for something
• an act of holding one's ground against or halting to resist an opposing force

lets take a stand, stand for something, stand for what he called you to, stand for his will, stand.

" Im taking a stand"... against impurity - in my spirit, in my soul, in my body
" Im taking a stand"... against thoughts that won't - glorify my king, my father, my saviour
" Im taking a stand"... against ungodly habits - whether its a bad attitude or a not so kool behavior that isn't horrible but doesn't represent my God in the light he should represented in.
" Im taking a stand"...to stop "doing" holy, but BE holy
" Im taking a stand"...to find the good in every person i come in contact with, whether they deserve it or not.
" Im taking a stand"...give not just the pretty side of my heart but the side that maybe even i don't wanna look at sometimes to Him completely
" Im taking a stand"...to offer completely my soul to Him, already gave his all for me
" Im taking a stand"...against those who speak against my King.
" Im taking a stand"...to serve my father with all that’s within me
" Im taking a stand"...to raise my voice
" Im taking a stand"...to love not just my friends, but my enemies

what about you? what are you standing for or against? my pastor made a great point one sunday a few weeks ago that i wrote down and its stuck with me ever since....he said that the Lord's view of denial is not just saying oh i don't believe in God although that is denial but he said that being silent is just the same as denial to God. don't be silent. take a stand for something. don't be lukewarm,
pick a side & be on fire! raise your voice!

The Stand

You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand

You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand

So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You

So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all

So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours


jesus loves u & so do i!



...psalm 26:12 -
12 Now I stand on solid ground,
and I will publicly praise the Lord....

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