This past summer at West Coast Convention (Commander :)) Kellie Swisher spoke to the Superkids and during her sermon she showed a video of a prohecy Kenneth Copeland shared at the 2007 Southwest Believers' Convention, after she shared it I got so fired up for all that God is calling me and this generation to, We might not know the full extent of all that God has called us to but we know that he is calling us and that even though we are somewhat walking in an almost blind type faith sometimes we should still GO BOLDLY in what were called to, some of you have probably already heard the prophecy, but just see this as an encouragement to GO BOLDLY in all that God has called you in this new year... “There is a generation,” saith the Lord, “that’s being raised up and even has already come on the scene. A generation that believes the Word; a generation that will exchange their thoughts for God’s thoughts; a generation that will believe who they are in Christ Jesus and who they are walking in the power and in the life of God. And there are those that even now are saying of this a generation, ‘Who do they think they are? Why, they think they’re God.’ No, we don’t think we’re God. We know we’re children of God. We know we’re born of God, we know we are bone of His bone and spirit of His spirit. We know that He dwells within us; we know that His commandment is life everlasting. We know that His Word is alive and we know in whom we have believed. Glory to God. And we look like Him and we talk like Him and we act like Him. Hallelujah. And He manifests Himself through us and that is our goal in life, is to take His Love to a lost and dying world; to take His light into places that now are dim and dark; to take His Word into places that ear has never heard nor eye seen what God has in store for those that love Him. But He has revealed t hem to us by His Spirit. “These are those days”, saith the Lord “So go! Go boldly! Go! I’m not asking you to go with me,” says the Lord Jesus Christ. “I’m telling you I’ll go with you. I’ll go with you into all the world and as you preach the Gospel, I’ll bless you, I’ll anoint you, I’ll work with your words and I’ll confirm them with signs following. I will cause manifestations to come. Did I not say it in My Word: ‘He that loves me keeps my commandment and he that keeps my commandment, I will love him, my Father will love him and I will manifest myself to him.” Thank You very much. Hallelujah. Bless the Lord God.
- Prophecy given by Kenneth Copeland
August 6, 2007
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